Of tht jevel'al KindJ of SdilemmtJ, necefi'ary in order to obtain a fettlement under 13 & 14 Car. II. mun'have complied with the formality of notice and publication. But the legiflature faw that thia pronfion might affect particular claffes, who not coming into the pariili clandeftinely, were not within the mifchief againft which it was meant to guard, and with refpect to whom the provifion would be nugatory, as ther~ .was no power to remove them after notice given. For thefe reafons, the following clafi"es of inhabitanu were altogether exempted from the neceffity of publifhing notices: I. Unmarried perfons not having a child, who Dlall be hired for a year. 2. Apprentices bound by inden. ture. 3. Perfons paying their {hare towards the public taxes or levies of the town or parifh. 4. Perfons on their own account executing any public and annual office or charge in the faid town or parifu during one whole year.