This chapter discusses the scope and impact of the current Turkish regulatory and supervisory framework on political finance with special reference to the Council of Europe's Group of Countries against Corruption (GRECO) Evaluation. Turkey's current political finance regime is regulated by the Constitution, the Law on Political Parties, the Law on the Basic Principles of Elections and Electoral Registry and the Law on Presidential Elections. Public professional organizations, labor unions, foundations and cooperatives can provide aid and donations to political parties pursuant to their specific laws. Political parties cannot borrow money or take loans from any legal or natural person in order to meet their needs. The Anayasa Mahkemesi (AYM) financially supervises political parties regarding their legal compliance. The AYM and the Yuksek Secim Kurulu impose administrative sanctions through the Accounting Office of the State Treasury and report criminal violations to the Yargitay Cumhuriyet Bassavciligi.