CHAPTER 5: Lexical-interpretive Approaches to the Albanian Data

In this chapter, the data discussed in the preceding

chapters will be analyzed in two other frameworks, both

described by their proponents as "lexical-interpretive"

approaches: . Bresnan's (1977) "realistic transformational

grammar" and Wasow's (1977) proposed revision of the

extended standard theory. These two frameworks differ

crucially from relational grammar in the way they treat

relation changing phenomena such as passive, inversion,

and unaccusative. In Bresnan's framework, all relation

changing rules are stated as redundancy rules in the

lexicon. The syntax itself, at least with respect to the

phenomena we have discussed, is thus monostratal (single

level). The extended standard theory employed by Wasow

is similar in many respects, but differs significantly in

that he proposes a set of criteria for distinguishing

between lexical and syntactic rules, allowing some

relation changing rules (e.9. passive) to be transforma-

tional rather than lexical if they meet the criteria for
