Recall from 2.1.1 that certain intransitives occur

with active morphology, as in (14), repeated here as (110).

110) a. Arrita k@tE mengjes nga KorGa. arrive this morning from lsPDAct 'I arrived this morning from ~orq8'

b. Aeroplani i Hoxhgs ka fluturuar ng Tirang. N G have fly to

3sPr 'Hoxha's airplane has flown to Tiran&'

c. Faria shkoi shpej t n& shtgpi. go quickly to house 3sPDAct

'Faria went home quickly'

The occurrence of an active form of the verb in

these sentences is predicted by the generalization in

(85), under the assumption that the RN's for these

sentences are monostratal, as in (111) (a partial RN for

Consider now the following sentences where the

verb appears in a non-active form.