This chapter improves understanding of the complex and adaptive nature of indigenous Fijian society. It unpacks the components of an indigenous Fijian community or vanua as a social and ecological system (SES), drawing attention to the links between culture, livelihoods activities and their influence on the overall resilience of Fijian communities involved in tourism. It reviews the literature on complex adaptive systems (CAS) and resilience, and discusses the theoretical foundations of the study. The chapter provides an empirical basis for the use of the Vanua SES and Resilience Model as a means to conceptualize a tourism-based destination community. It provides the literature before offering some background to Fiji, its tourism industry and the study area. The chapter outlines the research methods employed and present the findings the study. Research in indigenous Fijian communities is a multi-dimensional activity requiring immersion, careful engagement and the use of carefully selected methods and localized paradigms.