The analysis that follows draws on the conceptual framework outlined in the introduction to this book, though drawing on the notion of worlding described in the previous paragraph. It is largely concerned with neoliberal governmentality, including the institutionalisation of discourses into marketable ‘expert’ forms of knowledge. The broad metanarrative of neoliberalism has shaped and been shaped by the institutionalising of numerous systems of expert knowledge based on the codification of theoretical knowledge. As a result the governed expert consultant meant to offer ‘knowledge products’, through continued (re)enactment of her professional identity based upon a limited expert code, falls prey to instrumental reason. It is reason in the service of preconceived interpretations of the world and the preservation of institutions and senses of self, associated with a given professional identity. It is also reason potentially closed off to a variety of local worldings and associated praxes possibly more appropriate to many of the particularities described in the previous chapter.