This chapter discusses future trends in counseling children and adolescents in school and clinical mental health settings. It provides the information pertaining to the growth and influences of the counseling profession such as standards, licensure, and counselor identity. The chapter investigates online counseling and the use of technology in counseling and the importance of self-care, resiliency, and mindfulness strategies for counselor psychological health and wellness. It also discusses counselor wellness and presents the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue to assist counselors-in-training in managing work-related stress. Over a decade ago, TRICARE was in need of counseling professionals to provide services to the military and their families and the recent change in TRICARE policy allows these individuals expanded access to mental healthcare. Integrated care refers to the close collaboration, often located within the same practice, of medical and behavioral health professionals. Compassion fatigue has been well established as a cause of burnout and impairment for counselors.