The legislation which it is proposed to consider, naturally arose out of the circumstances of the periods in which it took place : first, the suppression of vagabondage and violence was ainied at-next, this suppression conjointly with some relief for the destitute by means of charitable or enforced contributions-then, the relief of poverty and want as well as destitution, from whatever cause either the one or the other may have arisen-and lastly, the relief of destitution and want in such a manner as that, whilst effective for that object, it shall not weaken the incentive to independent exertion on the part of individuals, or of the labouring

classes and the public generally. For the sake of convenience the work will be divided into four parts-the first extending from the earliest times to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; the second, from that time to the end of the reign of Queen Anne ; the third, to the end of the reign of George III. ; and thence to the end of the parochial year 1852, will constitute the fourth part.