Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, 2009, effective July 23, 2009, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, language, religion, ethnicity, social status and gender, sexual orientation or expression, and disability. The law covers employment, labor and working conditions, promotions, and dismissals. Legal measures and actions will not be considered discriminatory if based on objective and reasonable justification. Law on Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003, as amended, adopted in 2003, and amended in 2009, defines gender, gender-based violence, harassment, and sexual harassment and forbids gender discrimination and sexual orientation discrimination. Discrimination may be direct or indirect and is defined in accordance with EU directives. All forms of discrimination on the grounds of gender in the employment process, including the advertisement of vacancies, selection procedures, employment, and dismissal, and all forms of gender-based violence, are prohibited. Retaliation is also forbidden. An employer must take effective measures to prevent harassment, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination in employment.