Jail reentry research is missing from the reentry literature for a number of reasons. The Public Safety Realignment Policy (PSR) was designed to divert new, non-violent, non-serious, and non-sex offenders from prison and into the county jail jurisdiction. Jail offenders face unique challenges in the reentry process. Pairing with other community-based service agencies can help individuals form a reentry plan and know where to go for help, as well as potentially aid former offenders in a successful reintegration process. A reentry program does not typically refer to a particular treatment program, but a broad range of programs designed to reduce recidivism. Meta-analyses of prison rehabilitation programs have shown promise in reducing recidivism. Most evaluation research on rehabilitation programs has focused on prison inmates. One problem in evaluating reentry programs is defining the term "reentry program". One of the most recognized reentry programs in the field is the Boston Reentry Initiative.