The Foundation Sense Memory Exercises, their sequencing and combinations, were designed and taught by Lee Strasberg to enhance concentration and sensitivity through a sensory approach that stimulates the imagination, eliciting impulses, gestures, and behaviors that feed the creative process rather than a more phony, mechanical imitation of reality. It includes Breakfast Drink Exercise, Mirror/make-Up/shaving Exercise, Sharp Taste Exercise, Sharp Smell Exercise, Three (3) Pieces of Material Exercise, Taking off and Putting on Underclothes, Shoes, and Socks Exercise, Sunshine Exercise, Sharp Pain Exercise, Sound Exercise and Overall Sensation Exercises. The exercises also provide a way to engage the mind and body for extended periods of time by exploring imaginary objects and activities. The Abstract or Additional Movement enables actor in training to maintain control of his acting instrument and face the reality of the moment – to deal with the problem by physical movement and concentration.