Integration of work–life dynamics will allow women to communicate competence and self-confidence. In most cases women are the primary caregivers and caretakers in the house-hold in addition to being the physical carriers of children, all of which can slow down upward movement at work. Employers concede that family considerations interfere with work obligations, irrespective of whether or not women actually have work–family conflict, are married, or have children of a certain age. Smart leaders recognize the importance of integrating work and family, offer flex time, value part time, offer back up childcare, and create a culture that support diversity and inclusion. By positioning women as taking "time out" during the prime years of career advancement, women's workforce exists and career interruptions clear the field for men to advance, the "leaky pipeline" of women's own choices further perpetuating the male breadwinner-dominated professional workplace unresponsive to caregiving and family.