Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein was the only son of a Jewish architect from Riga, and a mother who came from a well to do merchant family that was Russian Orthodox. In spring 1918 Dziga Vertov joined the Moscow Cinema Committee, and worked as a cameraman on weekly newsreels designed to highlight the achievements of the Soviet government. What Vsevolod Pudovkincalls "symbolism" is more commonly called idea associative comparison montage or visual metaphor. Writing of Eisenstein's Strike Pudovkin says, just as a butcher fells a bull with the swing of a pole-axe, so cruelly and in cold blood, were shot down the workers. Montage is a word that is frequently used to describe a range of filmic phenomena without ever specifying systematically all its uses. Montage in the broad sense describes a series of short shots that compress time, space, or narrative information, but it actually has several distinct meanings.