This part introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters. The part examines visions, leading ideas, scriptures of Gay Spirit and their historical antecedents in the West, noting continuities and significant continuities with these. Given the egalitarian, communal, anarchic value system of especially Fairie circles–the Faeries, though not the epitome of gay spirituality, were a trigger and catalyst–it might be felt some justification was needed to focus on guru-like individuals at all. Whether from temperament or just as a Utopian response to a situational marginality, gays have always been dreaming dreams and engaging vision quests to escape or improve their lot. When Harry Hay inaugurated the Mattachines and what he later called his Vision quest more important than life', no gay lifestyle existed and homosexuality was deemed a sickness. Arguably, the primary archetype for gayness generally and for GS especially is the puer.