General arrangement of entries: As stated above, those titles that are certainly by Haywood (sections A-B) are separated from those that are either probably or certainly not (section C). Haywood titles are divided into collected works (Aa), first and early editions (Ab), early reprints in monographs and periodicals (Ac-d) and modern reprints (B). 16

Section B is subdivided according to the torm in which the reprints have appeared: as edited texts (Ba-d), facsimiles (Be-f), microformat (Bg) or electronic texts (Bh-j). Haywood attributions that have been rejected ( Ca) and ghosts ( Cb) are separately listed, as are works published (Da) or sold (Db) by Haywood. These are followed by works by Hatchett (De-d) and works attributed to him (De). Appendices relating to specific entries in the bibliography (appendices A-F) precede those concerning general bibliographical matters (G-K) and those relating to biographical material (L-M).