This chapter explores the various crested fowls as sub-breeds under the Polish fowl. Game breed may be considered as the typical breed, as it deviates only slightly from the wild Gallus bankiva, or, as perhaps more correctly named, ferrugineus. Shangai breed: size great, wing feathers short, arched, much hidden in the soft downy plumage. Sultans is a Turkish breed, resembling white Polish fowls with a large crest and beard, with short and well-feathered legs. Ptarmigans is an inferior breed closely allied to / the last, white, rather small, legs much feathered, with the crest pointed; comb small, cupped; wattles small. Houdan is a French breed; of moderate size, short-legged with five toes, well developed; plumage invariably mottled with black, white, and straw-yellow. Mr. Tegetmeier informs that, when distinct breeds are crossed, fowls are frequently produced with their feathers marked or pencilled by narrow transverse lines of a darker colour.