The genus which I take the present favourable opportunity to illustrate, formed a section or sub-genus of the genus Tropidurus, according to Weigmann, who, however, was acquainted with two species only; Pr. Chilensis and Pr. nigromaculatus. O f the varieties of the former of these, that author has made no less than three species; but these have been very properly reduced by M. Bibron to one only. The last-named excellent erpetologist described several additional species, which had been brought from Chile, by M. D’Orbigny, and others; and I received, some years since, from Captain King, three or four species which were found by him in the same locality, in the course of his wellknown survey. The number of species altogether, hitherto known, amounts to ten; to which I have now the opportunity of adding four entirely new, forming part of the interesting collection of Reptilia made by Mr Darwin. One of them, Pr. Kingii, was already in my collection, amongst those which were given me by Captain King. The

genus, therefore, of which, but lately, two species only were known, now consists of fourteen; and it is highly probable that more may yet be obtained by more prolonged and extensive investigation in the same districts. /

Thus of the species now described two were known to Weigmann, and described by him, namely, Chilensis, and nigromaculatus. I received from Captain King, Chilensis, pictus cyanogaster, Kingii, Fitzingerii, and, from other sources, Chilensis, pictus, Weigmannii. Bibron describes the whole of these, excepting Kingii, and in addition to them tenuis, pectinatus, signifer. In Mr Darwin’s collection are found all those described by Bibron, excepting signifer; and in addition Kingii now first described, and the following species never before observed, namely, Darwinii, gracilis, Bibronii.