The Community Unitarian Church at White Plains was an important part of our lives. We joined it in 1948 so our kids would have a place to learn something of our Christian heritage, and many years later our daughter was married there. Many of our closest friends were members of the church, including all those, now dead, who took us into their social circle when we were newcomers in Westchester. It is a nontheological church; each member finds his or her own truth. There is no creed. Over the forty years of membership, we listened to three ministers, Cliff Vessey, Peter Samsom, and more recently, Shannon Bernard. Cliff was the most poetic, and listening to only a few of his sermons persuaded us to join the church, then in its old location on Maple Avenue. Peter always gave carefully prepared sermons, sometimes quite inspiring, though he wasn’t an outstanding church leader. Shannon did a lot to revitalize the church after Peter left, though her sermons became somewhat tiresome. We also heard many other stimulating speakers, such as Norman Thomas, Michael Harrington, Whitney Young, and John Fisher, editor of Harpers.