My last letter to Kay, written on May 18, 1946, was from Pasadena, where I was with Dad. From San Francisco I had talked with Kay and the kids by phone the first moment I got into a hotel room. Mother was already in the East seeing Halsey, who was now back from Japan. “Dad and I are having a fine time without the strain of mutual reforming,” I wrote. I really did enjoy that relaxed visit with only us two. In Pasadena I went to see our old Peking friends, Arthur and Edna Coons. Arthur was now president of Occidental College. He had no particular leads for me in respect to a possible job. I also saw George and Evelyn McCune, Korea specialists, who were on their way to Berkeley, where he was to teach at the University of California. They were dear friends from R&A days. Unhappily, George had only a few more years to live. His death was a great loss to our field. We are still in correspondence with Evelyn, who made herself an authority on Korean art.