In the old society, there were some minority nationality scholars who conducted investigations into their own and other nationalities’ languages, publishing dictionaries, grammars, and orthographies. Soon after Liberation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences established a Language Institute, and not long afterward, the Minority Languages Research Group was established within the institute. A better understanding exists on how many languages are spoken within a nationality. In 1960 the Altaic language family language survey team finished its general work. When work began on creating new scripts, there was a general agreement that a phonetic script was the best way to proceed. Each nationality without a written script still has its own orally transmitted literature. Some nationalities also have their own national dramatic forms. In the 1950s and 1960s minority nationality language research papers were restricted to being published mostly in Zhongguo yuwen. Strengthen comparative language classification research and deepen the discussion of the rules of linguistic contact.