In February 1921 a Scientific Institute of Culture and History was established in Erevan; this subsequently became the Institute of Science and Art of Armenia (1925) and emerged in 1933 as the Institute of Culture and History of Armenia. Two years later this institution was renamed the Institute of History and Literature, while at the same time, within the framework of the Armenian Subdivision of the USSR Academy of Sciences an Institute of History, Archeology, and Ethnography was established. A sector on the History and Theory of Music was established within the system of the Armenian Academy of Sciences in 1944. In 1948 it was reorganized into a Sector on the History and Theory of Art. In the 1920s the Center of Armenian literary studies was Erevan State University. Later literary studies became an important aspect of the work of the Institute of the Culture and History of Armenia and the Armenian Subdivision of the USSR Academy of Sciences.