The economic power of ruling classes–having been transformed into special cultural patterns–is transmitted via educational attainment from generation to generation. The educational policy in Czechoslovakia has been strongly oriented toward overcoming inherited inequalities by means of special measures, such as the “quota system,” special measures promoting upward educational mobility from formerly disadvantaged social classes and groups. Economic resources, as well as family social status, should play a minor role in educational attainment in Czechoslovakia, and existing inequalities should be fully explicable in terms of the socialization theory. Regarding the design of models for Czechoslovakia, the baseline model contains seven exogenous and two endogenous variables. The role of these factors in Czechoslovakia is significantly higher than in advanced capitalist countries, where the effects of such factors as education and occupation play a more important role in the determination of income per capita. In the baseline model for the Netherlands, we redefined the measurement model for the ED variable.