This chapter deals with Japanese studies written in 1985 on Ming-Qing studies. Miki Satoshi’s essay “The Development of Rent Resistance in Fujian in the Qing” (Hokkaido daigaku bungakubu kiyo 34.1) follows previous views of rent resistance from the late Ming on. On the subject of distinctive ethnic cohesion of Chinese society, we have a valuable piece by Mori Masao, “The Hsiang-tsu” (Toyo shi kenkyu 44.1), which introduces the theories of Fu Yiling, Yang Guozhen, and Sen Ge. Also, there is Tanaka Issei’s volume, Chugoku no sozoku to engeki (Clan and Drama in China). In “Associations of ‘Heterodox Teachings’ and the Populace in the Ming and Qing” (Shicho N. S. 18), Noguchi Tetsuro examines the relationship between “heterodox religious” groups and the populace from the perspective of their this-worldly ambitions.