Since 1949 Zhejiang had been ruled by cadres drawn largely from the 3rd Field Army, which had marched into the province at the beginning of that year. When the Cultural Revolution commenced in 1966, the provincial leadership in Zhejiang, like its counterparts elsewhere in China, faced an unprecedented set of circumstances. Between June and July 1966 Jiang faithfully implemented central directives concerning the conduct of the Cultural Revolution issued by Liu Shaoqi and the Central Committee. Rebel delegations of workers also traveled to Beijing to appeal for support in their efforts to overthrow local power-holders. The February 1967 confrontation between United Headquarters and Red Storm was the major contributing factor to the bitter enmity which characterized relations between the two organizations from that time onward. On 20 January and 1 February 1967 United Headquarters, together with other rebel groups, issued urgent notices calling for a cessation of economism in rural areas.