A veritable feast of 1,500 quotes from more than 1,000 Supreme Court decisions, this is the first such reference devoted solely to the Supreme Court. Dating from the beginning of the Republic to the present, these excerpts provide a powerful historical overview of the mission and majesty of the Supreme Court. They are topically arranged and cover the legislative, judicial, and executive branches; states' rights; due process; free speech; equal rights; and freedom of religion.

Each entry features the quote -- especially chosen for its profound, compelling, and inspirational nature; the name of the case, primary citation, year, and author; and the kind of decision (dissenting, concurring, or opinion of the Court).

entry 1|14 pages

The Givers of Law

entry 2|5 pages

The Enforcers

entry 3|32 pages

The Least Dangerous Branch

entry 4|21 pages

The Sacred Parchment

entry 5|26 pages

Expectations and Deliverance

entry 6|12 pages

The Good of the Fifty

entry 7|16 pages

Due Process and Equal Protection

entry 8|23 pages

Opinions, Dissents, and Recorders

entry 9|15 pages

In the beginning

entry 10|23 pages

Liberty, Freedom, Happiness

entry 11|34 pages

The Arrest... The Trial ...The punishment

entry 12|11 pages

The Global Community

entry 13|14 pages

Everything Else