Matra Cukor Rt. is a sugar producer with two plants in north-eastern Hungary. Matra Cukor Rt. is one of the few Hungarian sugar processors able to produce so-called Euro 2 quality. The Hungarian sugar industry produces a quantity of sugar regularly exceeding domestic demand, primarily to maintain employment for its workers and to support growers of sugar beets. The Hatvan and the Selyp sugar factories, the two plants of Matra Cukor Rt., were founded by two landlords in 1889 and 1890. The company should be able to produce a wide range of products, but it is not competitive in most of them. Instead of trying to expand its product mix toward other finished products, the company has assigned an important role to by-products in its marketing strategy. The size of the domestic sugar market is given, and no growth in demand can be expected, so Matra can grow only by eroding another company’s market share.