This chapter presents guidelines for the maintenance of chiller systems. These guidelines are generalized for typical systems and components operating in what would be considered to be routine applications, serving normal building or process loads. If modification is required, the best source for additional information is the equipment manufacturer. The chapter determines chiller systems that are defined to include a building's primary cooling equipment: the central chiller, chilled and condenser water piping, chilled and condenser water pumps, and the cooling tower. There are four major types of chillers used in facilities for air conditioning: centrifugal, reciprocating, rotary, and absorption. Each has its own characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and maintenance requirements. Their energy efficiency varies by chiller size and loading as well as by chiller type. A well-planned and implemented maintenance program for chiller systems can reduce the annual energy and breakdown maintenance costs for the system by as much as 50 percent. Additional savings will be realized from reduced system downtime.