Once you have determined your purpose and subject, analyzed your audience, and developed the content of your speech, you have finished the hardest part of your job. However, all the work you have done was for one ultimate goal: to deliver a good speech. In public speaking, the delivery is where the rubber meets the road or where all your prior research and practice have the opportunity to make you, and your abilities, create great results. There are several different delivery styles you can choose from, depending on a number of variables such as the purpose of your speech, the subject, the occasion, and your audience. The manner in which you prepare your speech for delivery will depend on the type of delivery you choose. Impromptu speeches (those delivered on the spur of the moment) are either not prepared at all or prepared very hastily. Manuscript speeches are written out completely and read. Memorized speeches are usually written out first and then committed to memory and delivered. Extemporaneous speeches are carefully prepared but delivered from note cards. In most cases, the extemporaneous method provides spontaneity that will enable you to adapt your message to your audience while you are speaking to them and to modify it when necessary in response to their feedback. Let's consider these four methods of delivery in more detail.