The Realism of the scholastics originated from a confusion of the Platonic Ideas to which an objective, real being of course be attributed since they are at the same time species, with mere concepts, to which the Realists wished to attribute such a being and thereby called forth victorious opposition on the part of Nominalism. The Idea is the root point of all the relations and thereby the complete and consummate phenomenon, or, as the author has expressed it in the text, the adequate objectivization of will at this level of its phenomenon. In the sense the neo-Platonist Olympiodorus already said in his commentary on Plato's Alcibiades that is 'the Idea, in itself unextended, certainly imparted form to matter, but first assumed extension from it'. The original and essential unity of an Idea is dispersed into the plurality of individual things by the sensorily and cerebrally conditioned perception of the cognizant individual.