As enduring and characteristic ways of acting and reacting, there is a very extensive range of behaviors comprising personality. Some of these behaviors can potentially be viewed as discrete, others continuous, and some both, so it is not surprising that a diverse range of personality models have been proposed. Th e Greek philosopher Th eophrastus (c 371-287 BC) in Th e Characters listed 30 descriptions organized along one structure, with each character type named and illustrated via examples (cited in Crocq, 2013). Gerald Heymans (18571930) proposed three bipolar dimensions (activity level, emotionality, and primary versus secondary functioning) yielding eight personality types on a cube consisting of amorphous, sanguine, nervous, choleric, apathetic, phlegmatic, sentimental, and passionate (cited in Crocq, 2013). Some of these personality types hint at modern day abnormal personality designations.