This chapter shows that the attention paid to pronunciation changed with the teaching methods: important in audiolingual programmes, less so in Communicative language teaching (CLT). The goals shifted from native-like pronunciation to the production of intelligible and comprehensible speech. The chapter presents the content-free app iTEO developed in Luxembourg to encourage nursery and primary school children to collaboratively produce stories in a range of languages. It shows that how storytelling promotes language learning. Storytelling with iTEO addresses the methodological issues raised and offers learners opportunities to focus on form within a Task-Based Approach. The chapter describes how the English teacher in the vignette and her class used iTEO in four French lessons. The teaching approaches reviewed in the literature differ widely but whatever the approach, researchers and practitioners would agree on a number of principles for teaching pronunciation. Pupils learn to monitor and analyse their speech owing to iTEO's replay that materialises the language used.