From the inception of Redskin team names, previously discussed charged racist language and icons were employed, especially of the warlike Indians as Red Man. Anyone who has gone through combat training of the armed forces realizes how combatants have to be trained to hate individual soldier-enemies in order to kill, rising all the way to hate entire nations or races in order to conduct genocide.3 Neither individual soldiers nor entire societies came to kill naturally on a large scale, and so the fearless warrior is vaunted against the dehumanized inferiorized enemy, not with honor, but really as ideological exploitation of racism to conduct war. In the rst instance of collegiate name-taking by Miami University of Ohio in 1928, this warfare imagery is directly linked to the “noble” savage in the “Scalp Song” (lyrics for Figure 4.2) and later reproduced in the “Hail to the Redskins” (lyrics by Marshall next to Figure 4.1).4