This chapter reviews the cybervictimization research from the standpoint of both the victim (e.g., what factors place people at risk to be victimized) as well as the offender (e.g., how offenders target victims and complete their crimes). The key issue discussed is the extent to which various forms of cybervictimization are either essentially “unique,” or instead resemble other forms of personal victimization in terms of their causes and consequences. In particular, this chapter discusses certain “myths” about cybervictimization (e.g., the “genius myth” that cybercriminals are all technological wizards out to victimize all of us; and the myth of the “tech-savvy teen and the clueless senior citizen,” where the assumption is that older people are more likely to fall victim to cybercrime, which is certainly not the case). The chapter ends with a discussion of gaps and challenges as we move ahead, as well as a listing of key readings and discussion questions.