Throughout time and place in history, the use, abuse of, and commerce in, mind-altering substances has been central to the human experience. For thousands of years, cultures around the globe have used naturally occurring plant and animal products to ease physical and mental pain, commune with the spirit world, and alter consciousness for recreational purposes. The intentional ingestion of mind-altering drugs appears to be a fundamental part of being human, and some form of drug use has been incorporated into most cultures, both past and present. Interestingly, the use of mind-altering substances is not unique to humans; numerous species of animals are known to seek out and intentionally ingest intoxicating plant products (Siegel, 2005). Therefore, it appears that drug use has an origin that is deeply primal, and is not solely a product of human existence. Indeed, Ronald Siegel (2005) has suggested that humans’ seemingly unstoppable quest for intoxicants should be considered similar to our motivational drives for food, sleep, and sex.