In the previous chapter, I have considered some instances of standard theoretical approaches in social science that might benefit from a status-power approach. I want to conclude this book with a summary statement about the nature of the person who inhabits status-power and reference group theory; and with such practical considerations as (1) the status of the theory with respect to falsifiability; (2) an examination of why actors breach the major, culturally-supported ethical commandments, e.g., thou shalt not steal, bear false witness, kill; and (3) a venture into prediction-via-explanation in: attrition rates in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), teacher efficacy in K-8 classrooms, the inevitability of social conflict, how to deal with robots, the implications of the movie Her, self-control, status-power conditions for reference group choice, early parenting and a status-power analysis of twenty-first century politics in the United States.