The Intercultural Development Program (IDP) was actively promoted to students from all faculties, including both graduate and undergraduate students, domestic and international students, as well as students embarking on or returning from exchange, to bridge diverse groups on campus. The IDP infuses common intercultural frameworks with critical approaches to global citizenship education (GCE). The objective of the international programme is to provide the theory, reflection, and skills that enhance students' intercultural competencies through workshops, practical experience, and community. Assessment of the IDP is conducted at both the workshop and programme levels in order to develop and adapt curriculum content, programme structure, and pedagogy, as well as to justify the programme for budgetary and planning purposes. As facilitators continue to develop the critical approach of the IDP through research and pedagogical experimentation, they will work to ensure workshops are current and relevant, incorporate IDP graduates, consist of active-learning opportunities, include guest speakers, and comprise off-campus opportunities.