The standard liberal-Left take on the ongoing European crisis is that there are two evils to be fought against. First, the absolute power of the undemocratic centralised technocracy in Brussels, part of globalised capitalism. Second, the emergence of neo-fascist identitarian groups in many countries, violently separatist, pro-Christian, pro-white and anti-immigrant. While Europe is threatened with its own final unravelling, the Euro crisis, Right wing nationalism, the migrant crisis and so on, other poets are on the march globally to reconquer the spiritually disenchanted West through extreme warrior vengeance, the way having being cleared by those confident and triumphant anti-Oedipalist intellectuals who tell us there is nothing to fear from Islam, the religion of peace. Psychoanalysis, beginning with Lacan in the late 1960s, has tried to keep up with the trends. Indeed, instead of maintaining its fulcrum with the Oedipus complex, it has sided with the deconstruction of all essentialism, all roots and all meaning.