This chapter articulates a sound philosophy of and for education and takes on sonic possibilities for philosophy in general and for educational philosophy in specific. It examines vibrational affect and its implications for conceptualizing ideas and ideals as forms of resonance. Next, the chapter also articulates possibilities for resonance and its expression as reverberation, the inherent metaphoric and literal movements of resonances. Such an articulation of resonance and reverberation presses at current conceptualizations of scale. Musically speaking, resonances are often presented in relation to the constructions of consonance and dissonance. Resonance and reverb also refocus educational theory and practice on questions of ethics and inquiry. Reverberations, like resonances, are physical and metaphorical, sensorial and signified. Aesthetically political and politically aesthetic, ontogenic and epistemogenic, a sound educational philosophy emphasizes responsibility over accountability, flux over stability, open over closed systems of knowledge, and inquiry over known-information questions.