The importance of the weekly 30-minute parent-child play session cannot be overstated; it is the essential element in the success of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT). Filial therapists must have sufficient training and supervised experience in play therapy to develop the self-confidence necessary to effectively model and demonstrate specific play therapy skills for parents. Parents are asked to select one child between the ages of 2 and 10 years that they will focus on during the 10-session training period. CPRT is a blending of didactic elements with timely exploration of feelings and emotional reactions in the group as parents interactively share feelings about themselves and their children. The group format and the time-limited structure of the 10-week model requires a skilled therapist to balance the didactic and dynamic components of the CPRT training. An essential component of 10-session model is the structure and provision of supervision, particularly the requirement for parents to video their play sessions for supervision purposes.