T he last chapter explored the semio-narrative level o f actants and functions in the generative trajectory o f discourse. This chapter will exam ine another m ode o f discursive or narrative analysis and, m ore globally, what Greim as and Courtés call ‘the fundam ental question on which the general form o f semiotic theory will depend — namely the relation o f dependence between the two previously mentioned levels (that o f narrative structures [or, better: semio-narrative structures] and that o f discursive structures) — [whose] conjunction defines the discourse in its totality.’ (SL: 209-10 ; first brackets in text) T hat is, it will exam ine G reim as’s analysis o f the generative trajectory as such, including the possibility o f textualisation and analytic intervention ‘at any point’ on the trajectory. In the article on ‘Narrativity’ (from which I am citing) the Analytical Dictionary succinctly defines discourse in its restricted and general senses that delimits what I am calling the discursive level o flan gu age .