All therapists family therapists, psychoanalysts, cognitive therapists will likely, in their therapy planning, pay attention to the markers of repetition, sequence, emotion, discontinuities, spontaneous communications, and idiosyncratic communications. Sequence suggests meaningful links, in the person's associational networks, between those boxcars of behavior, topic, or emotion. The image sequence suggests a train of thought box cars of content linked by unspoken couplings, one to the other. As Wick-ramasekera puts it, the autonomic cues of emotion often signal 'secrets kept from the mind but not the body'. Although emotional cues can mislead us in powerfully convincing ways, they remain valuable path markers if followed with disciplined reasoning. With dramatic emotion, the significance of the moment is unmistakable. The task becomes understanding what triggered the emotion, what the emotion is, and the patient's ability to regulate the emotion. Although emotional cues can mislead us in powerfully convincing ways, they remain valuable path markers if followed with disciplined reasoning.