Convergence refers to repetition across different situations of the data supporting our hypotheses. The narrative is neither a single instance with neither repetition nor convergence with data from other sources. Although our working hypothesis sprang from a single colloquy, exploration revealed repetition of the unusual behavior within that relationship and ample repetition of contrasting behavior outside that relationship. Structure refers to the amount of direction and clarity of expectations in the situation. Intimacy, the third dimension in which it is important to note convergence, refers to the amount of interpersonal connectedness in an interaction. Like structure and emotional intensity, intimacy exists along a continuum. People vary in their behaviors, ideas, emotions, comfort level, and capacity for clear thinking along this continuum. Freud's inference was theory driven. His theory was that symptoms without a clear neurological or physiological basis were caused by repressed sexuality. Irving Weiner outlined the importance of distinguishing symbolic from representational inferences when making hypotheses.