This chapter outlines what it would take to be a basic framework of such a new path, explicating current methodological stances and theoretical premises which seem promising for furthering the agenda of Radical Sociology of School Knowledge (RSSK). The agenda of reconstructing a science with an attitude, constructed in service of the wider agenda of radical educational research, is wholly interdependent on the existence of a wide-ranging and self-sustaining field of radical educational research and practice. The chapter takes to the methodological points of consideration for choices that are made in the process of constructing a science with an attitude. It categorizes the methodological points of consideration into three types of choices: choices about research methods, about sources of methods, and about procedures. It also outlines the theoretical needs of RSSK; the central focus on the culture/institution relation is premised on a recognized interrelation of economic, social, and overtly political spheres of social reality.