As a model for the writing of the blank verse of Hyperion, Keats turned chiefly to Milton, whose influence had probably left no subsequent non-dramatic blank verse completely untouched. It was earlier suggested that possibly a part of the weighted tempo of the maturer verse of Keats is owing to its comparative lack of Latinity and polysyllabic words. Miltonic repetition, rather different in nature from the repetition adopted from Fairfax and from others in Isabella, and different as well from the peculiar Shakespearean repetition found in Keats's later sonnets, is likewise common in Hyperion. The entire stylistic tendency throughout Hyperion is at once in the direction of intensity and restraint. Such rhetorical and prosodic devices as Keats had already drawn upon in Isabella, in order to gain the discipline and structural coherence so completely lacking in his earlier verse, were again employed in Hyperion.