After the battle of Philippi Octavian had returned to Rome, and Antony now received news that the troops under their joint command were highly dissatisfied with the rewards which they had received for their labours. Antony was no great statesman or diplomatist; and jolly overgrown boy that he was, his effective actions were at all times largely dictated by his pleasurable desires. The Queen of Egypt had made a most disconcerting appeal to that spontaneous nature, which, in matters of this kind, required little encouragement from without; and now the fact that it seemed wise at the time to keep away from Rome served as full warrant for the manoeuvre which his ambition and his heart jointly urged upon him. Antony prepared to go to Alexandria in the autumn of the year BC 41, intent on sealing the alliance with the Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra provided all manner of amusements for her companion.