This chapter explores Jordan's higher education sector to reform policies and practices related to tourism- and hospitality-specialized programs. Technical assistance was provided during the period 2009 to 2011 by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Jordan Tourism Development Project. The USAID-funded Jordan Tourism Development Project used a value-chain approach to recommend ways in which higher education can respond to tourism industry needs. Higher education providers need to better communicate their students' qualifications to potential employers. The chapter examines the extent to which the 11 value-chain elements in our survey might relate to the core values and attributes identified as important for higher education by Sheldon, Fesenmaier, and Tribe for the Tourism Education Futures Initiative (TEFI). National Tourism Strategy (NTS) to enhance its overall competitiveness in the global tourism marketplace. The NTS continues to depend on its four-pillar framework, which has proven successful in the past.