Hunt, Ultra-Crepidarius (1823); British Critic, 2nd Series, XXI (June 1824), 647-657. The facetious reviewer – presumably he who has been regularly scourging Hunt and his friends – alludes to the prodigy of Hunt satirizing Gifford in two lines from Macbeth II.iv. Posterity turns the figure against the British Critic and his Quarterly allies. One of the most pointed evidences of the impotence of the old Tory critics is that, when he must hiss the work of Hunt, the reviewer employs lines from Byron’s Don Juan, III, c (p. 651), that were directed against Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey.

229Art. X. Ultra Crepidarius; a Satire on William Gifford By Leigh Hunt. 8vo. 40 pp. 2s. 6d. Hunt. 1823.