The YELLOW DWARF, A Weekly Miscellany published by John Hunt (Leigh Hunt’s brother) issued twenty-one numbers on Saturdays from January 3 through May 23, 1818. The name is one of a series of titles beginning with Scott’s novel The Black Dwarf (1816), a title taken up by the radical publisher Thomas Wooler, who issued twelve volumes of his radical weekly from 1817 through 1824. The White Dwarf published twenty-two weekly numbers 1817–18, then John Hunt’s Yellow Dwarf followed in 1818. Finally, in 1820 a Blue Dwarf was published at Yarmouth, The significance of “yellow” may have approximated that of the buff or yellow and blue as the Whig colors carried by the Edinburgh Review. Of the three literary reviews that appeared in the Yellow Dwarf, The Romantics Reviewed includes the two on Byron.