This chapter describes a closer look at Grease’s various fandoms – this fan cult often contrasted contemptuously with Rocky Horror Picture Show fans – to uncover their diverse set of desires and identifications, which are neglected by returning too often to the over-simplified and infantilizing type constructed once again in Faye Dempsey’s example. Hordes of young girls caught up in ‘Beatle mania,’ and even ‘Travolta Fever,’ have done far worse than pine in their bedrooms, some even frightening John Travolta and injuring Newton-John at premieres for the film. Travolta appears unsure about how to exit the car, and then cameras as well as security personnel struggle to create a path for the couple through the crowd. It is also safe to say that many of these fans and much of the hysteria were focused on young new heartthrob John Travolta. Travolta’s appeal – hypnotic, unrestrained, and contradictory – befit the period, as well as his pinup status.