The volume of research to support the value of intrinsic motivation is at a level where it is, practically speaking, incontrovertible. Intrinsic motivation, where the activity is its own reward, can be replaced by incentives not enhanced, heightened, clarified or increased, but replaced. It's one or the other. Intrinsic motivation is diminished, replaced or crowded out by a controlling external incentive. According to Ryan and Deci in their paper Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions, intrinsic and extrinsic exist at opposite ends of a continuum. Ryan refers to this as introjection. It has become institutionalised to a point where it looks and feels like intrinsic motivation, and is almost certainly the justification for professional sellers who willingly describe themselves as coin-operated. According to Nicole Lazzaro, CEO of XEODesign, gamers spend as much as 80 per cent of their time failing in video games and as an input to a strategy that will ultimately lead to success.